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What is a Silent Debate?

A Silent Debate is where students will be put in small groups and be give a set amount of time to silently debate a particular topic. 


Students will write their thoughts,ideas and answers with an expo marker on a class white board and then have to wait and read responses from other students and also read other students ideas, thoughts and answers. 


The goal is for students to take time to ingest other students ideas and thoughts and also to take time to process their own thoughts. 


Silent debates allow all students regardless of being shy, soft spoken or loud to be on the same playing field in a debate setting. 


After the alloted time the group will roate to another debate board and re-start the process with a new debate prompt. 

If you were gone and need to make up this assignment then answer each question below on a sheet of paper and make sure to state why! Then turn that into Mr. Fox with the heading, "Silent Debate Make-Up"
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