09/06- Monday- Today is Labor Day. No School. Want to know the history of the holidays? Check it our under Assignments adn Activities. I hope you have a great day off. See you tomorrow!
09/07- Tuesday- Today in class we talked about our fire drill and run, lock, fight procedures and then we took our Story of My life project one step further and talked about how each student is going to present 3 events from their life and in each year that an event happened they are going to tell us about a modern history event that happened that year too. Gone? Check out Google Classroom for more information.
09/08- Wednesday- Today in class we learned how to cite a source. Students then were challenged to find all 3 modern history events they wanted to present and cite at least one source. We had a bad tech day as Mr. Fox's router was malfunctioning. However, students were very patient and it was greatly appreciated!
09/09- Thursday- Today in class we had a practice quiz on how to cite a website and then we went to the library where we contineued working on Story of My Life. It's in Google Classroom! Head there now! Our goal was to get 2 websites cited today!
09/10- Friday- Today in class
10/04- Monday- It is News Bowl Monday! We will do new seats tomorrow since we are scrambled today anyway. If you were gone please complete the News Bowl Make up assignment in Google Classroom. Questions? Email me! foxb@sd5.k12.mt.us
10/05- Tuesday- Today in class we took our 4 question quiz on our current events from yesterday. We also got new seats and then we had partner time to continue working on our questions for Surviving the Decades.
10/06- Wednesday- Today we set a deadline. All Test Your Knowledge and all Just Your Lucks need to be completed by the end of class on Friday. We had work time again today.
10/07- Thursday- Today in class we had a work day. All questions due tomorrow!
10/08- Friday- Today in class we worked on Surviving the Decades. Mr. Fox logged work ethic grades for all groups. Thanks!
10/25- Monday- Today we had our final work day of the Surviving the Decades project! Students that were done early played their game to make sure it worked. If you volunteered to bring snacks for tomorrow please do! We will be having snacks and playing our games tomorrow! Questions! let me know! foxb@sd5.k12.mt.us
10/26- Tuesday- We finally made it! Today in class we played our board games and there was tons of snacks and we had snacks, drinks and played "Surviving the Decades" board games! We will do the same thing tomorrow!
10/27- Wednesday- Today in class we continued playing "Surviving the Decades".
10/28- Thursday- Today in class we had our final day playing "Surviving the Decades"
10/29- Friday- Mr. Fox was gone today and students had a sub and watched a movie that they picked out yesterday on the Cuban Missile Crisis.
10/11- Monday- Today in class we played News Bowl with a twist! Losing teams had to do 10 burpees, 5 burpees, 10 pushups or 5 pushups depending on what place they finished in. We reviewed at the end and quiz tomorrow!
10/12- Tuesday- Today in class we took our quiz from our current events from yesterday. Then we worked on Surviving the Decades. All groups should be making their game cards at this point.
10/13- Wednesday- Today in class we passed back our quizzes from yesterday and continued working on our game cards!
10/14- Thursday- Today in class we worked on our game cards. All game cards need to be done by the end of class tomorrow so we can start playing our board games next week!
10/15- Friday- Today in class we had our last work day for our game cards. Work ethic check happened at the end of the class period, we are planning on game boards and pieces next Monday and Tuesday and starting playing on Wednesday.
09/06- Monday- Today is Labor Day. No School. Want to know the history of the holidays? Check it our under Assignments and Activities. I hope you have a great day off. See you tomorrow!
09/07- Tuesday- Today in class we learned about History of the Holidays. Labor Day. We made a history of the holidays section in our notebook, 6 pages from the back in our social studies tab. Then we covered fire drills and our run, lock, fight policy. Then we talked about Mr. Fox's classroom rules which are be respectful, responsible and safe. We ended class demonstrating what a refocus form and how to fill it out in case students need to. Tomorrow we will finish our scavenger hunts and take our 1st notes of the year!
09/08- Wednesday- Today in class we reviewed our run lock fight and fire drill procedures again. We talked about class rules and Mr. Fox's hallway policy. Students then had 16 minutes to finish their classroom scavenger hunt which is their 1st work ethic grade of the year. We then ended class practicing our Oceans and Continents.
09/09- Thursday- Today in class we took an entire page of notes on Mr. Fox's website! Meaning we wrote down "Fox American History Wix" on how to get to my website. Then we took notes on Map Basics on Page 6. Textbook is linked above and the notes we took are in Google Classroom. Head there now!
09/10- Friday- Today in class we learned about the Friday Chant and the Fox Den challenge ended. Period 7 won it! For class we spent the day learning about the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. If you were gone I put those slides in Google Classroom for you to see. Have questions? Send me an email! foxb@sd5.k12.mt.us
09/06- Monday- Today is Labor Day. No School. Want to know the history of the holidays? Check it our under Assignments and Activities. I hope you have a great day off. See you tomorrow!
09/07- Tuesday- Today in class we learned about History of the Holidays. Labor Day. We made a history of the holidays section in our notebook, 6 pages from the back in our social studies tab. Then we covered fire drills and our run, lock, fight policy. Then we talked about Mr. Fox's classroom rules which are be respectful, responsible and safe. We ended class demonstrating what a refocus form and how to fill it out in case students need to. Tomorrow we will finish our scavenger hunts and take our 1st notes of the year!
09/08- Wednesday- Today in class we reviewed our run lock fight and fire drill procedures again. We talked about class rules and Mr. Fox's hallway policy. Students then had 16 minutes to finish their classroom scavenger hunt which is their 1st work ethic grade of the year. We then ended class practicing our Oceans and Continents.
09/09- Thursday- Today in class we took an entire page of notes on Mr. Fox's website! Meaning we wrote down "Fox American History Wix" on how to get to my website. Then we took notes on Map Basics on Page 6. Textbook is linked above and the notes we took are in Google Classroom. Head there now!
09/10- Friday- Today in class we learned about the Friday Chant and the Fox Den challenge ended. Period 7 won it! For class we spent the day learning about the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. If you were gone I put those slides in Google Classroom for you to see. Have questions? Send me an email! foxb@sd5.k12.mt.us
09/06- Monday- Today is Labor Day. No School. Want to know the history of the holidays? Check it our under Assignments and Activities. I hope you have a great day off. See you tomorrow!
09/07- Tuesday- Today in class we learned about History of the Holidays. Labor Day. We made a history of the holidays section in our notebook, 6 pages from the back in our social studies tab. Then we covered fire drills and our run, lock, fight policy. Then we talked about Mr. Fox's classroom rules which are be respectful, responsible and safe. We ended class demonstrating what a refocus form and how to fill it out in case students need to. Tomorrow we will finish our scavenger hunts and take our 1st notes of the year!
09/08- Wednesday- Today in class we reviewed our run lock fight and fire drill procedures again. We talked about class rules and Mr. Fox's hallway policy. Students then had 16 minutes to finish their classroom scavenger hunt which is their 1st work ethic grade of the year. We then ended class practicing our Oceans and Continents.
09/09- Thursday- Today in class we took an entire page of notes on Mr. Fox's website! Meaning we wrote down "Fox American History Wix" on how to get to my website. Then we took notes on Map Basics on Page 6. Textbook is linked above and the notes we took are in Google Classroom. Head there now!
09/10- Friday- Today in class we learned about the Friday Chant and the Fox Den challenge ended. Period 7 won it! For class we spent the day learning about the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. If you were gone I put those slides in Google Classroom for you to see. Have questions? Send me an email! foxb@sd5.k12.mt.us
09/06- Monday- Today is Labor Day. No School. Want to know the history of the holidays? Check it our under Assignments and Activities. I hope you have a great day off. See you tomorrow!
09/07- Tuesday- Today in class we learned about History of the Holidays. Labor Day. We made a history of the holidays section in our notebook, 6 pages from the back in our social studies tab. Then we covered fire drills and our run, lock, fight policy. Then we talked about Mr. Fox's classroom rules which are be respectful, responsible and safe. We ended class demonstrating what a refocus form and how to fill it out in case students need to. Tomorrow we will finish our scavenger hunts and take our 1st notes of the year!
09/08- Wednesday- Today in class we reviewed our run lock fight and fire drill procedures again. We talked about class rules and Mr. Fox's hallway policy. Students then had 16 minutes to finish their classroom scavenger hunt which is their 1st work ethic grade of the year. We then ended class practicing our Oceans and Continents.
09/09- Thursday- Today in class we took an entire page of notes on Mr. Fox's website! Meaning we wrote down "Fox American History Wix" on how to get to my website. Then we took notes on Map Basics on Page 6. Textbook is linked above and the notes we took are in Google Classroom. Head there now!
09/10- Friday- Today in class we learned about the Friday Chant and the Fox Den challenge ended. Period 7 won it! For class we spent the day learning about the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. If you were gone I put those slides in Google Classroom for you to see. Have questions? Send me an email! foxb@sd5.k12.mt.us
09/06- Monday- Today is Labor Day. No School. Want to know the history of the holidays? Check it our under Assignments and Activities. I hope you have a great day off. See you tomorrow!
09/07- Tuesday- Today in class we learned about History of the Holidays. Labor Day. We made a history of the holidays section in our notebook, 6 pages from the back in our social studies tab. Then we covered fire drills and our run, lock, fight policy. Then we talked about Mr. Fox's classroom rules which are be respectful, responsible and safe. We ended class demonstrating what a refocus form and how to fill it out in case students need to. Tomorrow we will finish our scavenger hunts and take our 1st notes of the year!
09/08- Wednesday- Today in class we reviewed our run lock fight and fire drill procedures again. We talked about class rules and Mr. Fox's hallway policy. Students then had 16 minutes to finish their classroom scavenger hunt which is their 1st work ethic grade of the year. We then ended class practicing our Oceans and Continents.
09/09- Thursday- Today in class we took an entire page of notes on Mr. Fox's website! Meaning we wrote down "Fox American History Wix" on how to get to my website. Then we took notes on Map Basics on Page 6. Textbook is linked above and the notes we took are in Google Classroom. Head there now!
09/10- Friday- Today in class we learned about the Friday Chant and the Fox Den challenge ended. Period 7 won it! For class we spent the day learning about the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. If you were gone I put those slides in Google Classroom for you to see. Have questions? Send me an email! foxb@sd5.k12.mt.us
Welcome to Mr.Fox's American History Website

If you need a little extra help with your outline notes or have never taken them before. Please read below for help!!
Outline notes, like any other note-taking strategy are just one way to organize information you are learning about. In this particular case the Roman Numerals, Letters and Numbers all indicate different things. In my class the Roman Numerals will always be the Red Headings in your book. The Main Category will always be the title of that section of the text book. Remember it is important to properly indent, or move in when you use the numbers and letters so you can see what is a subcategory.
Below you will find 2 examples, to help you better understand how Outline Notes work. The first shows just how the categories work and the second shows how Outline Notes might look if you were taking them on different sports.
Main Category
I. Subcategory that is part of Main Category
A. Notes on Subcategory I.
1. Notes on Subcategory I.
B. Notes on Subcategory I.
C. Notes on Subcategory I.
II. Subcategory this is part of Main Category.
A. Notes on Subcategory II.
B. Notes on Subcategory II.
C. Notes on Subcategory II.
III. Subcategory this is part of Main Category.
A. Notes on Subcategory III.
B. Notes on Subcategory III.
C. Notes on Subcategory III.
Below is an example of outline notes using Sports as the main subject. Each roman numeral is a type of sport, each letter under that sport is about that particular sport. Any regular number under a letter indicates it is about the previous letter. (See point 1, under A. Orange Ball)
I. Basketball
A. Orange Ball
1. Usually different sizes for boys and girls
B. Hoop
C. Court
II. Football
A. Field
B. Endzone
1. Getting the ball in the endzone is called a touchdown.
C. Brown Ball
III. Baseball
A. Diamond field
B. Bat
C. White Ball.
Here is an Example of Outline Notes from the French and Indian War!

Below our the Roman Numerals 1-10
1- I
2- II
3- III
4- IV
5- V
6- VI
7- VII
9- IX
10- X
Here is an Example of Outline Notes from the Chapter 7 Section 1 Early Years of the War